Jade Thompson is a queer, nonbinary artist from Akwesasne and Cornwall, Ontario, Canada. Their hand-printed linocut prints, paintings, and pyrography focus primarily in portraiture and semi-abstraction.
Thompson, a St. Lawrence College graduate (2016), has taken part in art-related community events such as Cornwall Art Walk, Art Battle (Brockville, Kingston, Cornwall), The EO Garlic Festival, and Apples & Art (Cornwall, Kawenoke/Cornwall Island).

Photo: Lee Ladouceur Photography
See "artist cv" page for more information.
Jade Thompson was born in Ottawa, Ontario, but was raised in Akwesasne, a Mohawk reservation, and Cornwall, Ontario. Their interests include yarncraft, pyrography, and drawing and painting portraits, the figure, and high-energy abstract work. Thompson was interested in fine arts from an early age.
An alumni of St. Lawrence College's Fine Arts program, Thompson’s past studio work includes the “Strawberry Series”, a collection of mixed media pieces based on their identity as a half white, half Mohawk, queer intersectional feminist living with mental illness. Another studio series was “The Naked Self”, a visual play on the feelings of nakedness and confinement Thompson’s peers have experienced.
Thompson has taken part in various art-related community events such as Art Battle (Brockville, Kingston, Cornwall), The EO Garlic Festival, Apples & Art (NNATC, Cailuan Gallery), and Conquer the Canvas.
Thompson has worked with Mohawk author/historian Darren Bonaparte and Mohawk Council of Akwesasne’s Economic Development program to create historical markers, currently on display outside Cornwall Island/Kawehno:ke’s Turtle Dome Arena. The signs boast large photo reproductions of their woodburnings; in total, Thompson created nine pyrographic pieces for the project.
Thompson has taught drawing and painting classes for SLC students, children in day camp programs, and other community members through various volunteer and not-for-profit venues.
Artists that inspire them include Vincent Van Gogh, David Bowie, Mohawk visual artists Victoria Ransom, Kit Thomas, and Mohawk basketmaker Ann Mitchell. Thompson currently lives in Cornwall with their fiancé, Mathieu, and two cats.